Thursday, July 16, 2015

Observara Bradley Sets New 52-Week Less at $18. 04 (VRA)

Observara Bradley (NYSE: VRA) hit completely new 52-week low on Monday, Expert Ratings Net reports. The company exchanged as low as $18. 04 and really last traded at $18. 11, following a volume of 669, 822 shares marketing hands. The stock had prior closed at $19. 07.

Vera Bradley iPhone 5 Case Baroque

A range of analysts have recently commented towards stock. Analysts at Zacks improved shares of Vera Bradley iPhone 5 from your "underperform" rating to a "neutral" ranking and set a $19. 60 charges target on the stock in a searches note on Tuesday, March 3 rd. Analysts at Telsey Advisory Corporation lowered their price target on top of shares of Vera Bradley out of $24. 00 to $21. 00 and set a "market perform" ranking on the stock in a research knoe on Tuesday, February 24th. Industry analysts at Cowen and Company caused coverage on shares of Observara Bradley in a research note on top of Tuesday, January 6th. They placed a "market perform" rating towards stock. Finally, analysts at Sterne Agee downgraded shares of Observara Bradley from a "neutral" rating to the "underperform" rating in a research knoe on Thursday, December 11th. One you use research analyst has rated generally the stock with a sell rating, every one of the have assigned a hold ranking and five have issued every buy rating to the company. The firm presently has an average rating out of "Hold" and an average price object of $25. 96.

The cars has a 50-day moving average out of $19. and a 200-day moving frequent of $20.. The company has a area cap of $729. 98 unité and a price-to-earnings ratio of 19. 15.

Vera Bradley case (NYSE: VRA) last posted its quarterly money coming in results on Wednesday, December 10. The company reported $0. 21 EPS for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of $0. 19 by $0. 02. The firm had revenue of $125. 43 million for the quarter, compared to the comprehensive agreement estimate of $127. 50 unité. During the same quarter in the without any year, the company posted $0. in between earnings per share. The company's quarterly revenue was down installment payments on your 9% on a year-over-year basis. Industry analysts expect that Vera Bradley usually post $1. 02 EPS to get the current fiscal year.

In other Observara Bradley news, major shareholder Eileen C. Ray sold 26, 440 shares of the company's stock in the marketplace in a transaction that occurred on top of Friday, February 27th. The cars was sold at an average price of 20 dollar. 03, for a total transaction out of $529, 593. 20. The sale was just disclosed in a document filed from the SEC, which can be accessed through this approach link.

Vera Bradley, Inc (NYSE: VRA) is a designer, producer, professional, and retailer of functional devices for women. The Company's products provide a range of offering of handbags, accessories, as travel and leisure items. It generates paye by selling products through two pieces: Direct and Indirect.

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