Saturday, October 10, 2015

Warrior horizon while there and climb a mountain

Since online an article entitled ' in the distance while there, and trip to the mountain! Travel guide of, himself has been kept butterflies in this shining hearts, then resolutely and strictly implement "time is like a sponge in the water" the highest principles, squeeze, squeeze, hard squeeze, then, mount hua, OU here!!

After some research, the weekend two-day trip:

Suzhou night train D1, arrived this morning mountain, mountain Visitor Center tickets, free shuttle to the yuquan hospital, Huashan buses a thousand-foot building since ancient times, hundred-foot Gorge to the North Peak, Black Dragon Ridge reaches Suite booked accommodation by South peak to the West peak tour the Huashan after sunset, and suite accommodations.

D2 Suite Sunrise breakfast after the peak, the Black Dragon Ridge to North Peak, and then taking down to Miao Gou Hua Shan Road, scenic bus mountain visitors center (at noon), take a taxi to the Huashan train station the afternoon train back to Suzhou, without prejudice to the Office on Monday.

"Huashan a way since the ancient time", Yes, take the cable car is absolutely to be despised, to Hua Shan could not measure my legs under what is called "ancient Huashan road", I have guts, I'll go to Huashan.

Huashan, ancient Japanese "Tai Koo", is China's five famous mountains of the West mountain, open plains of the Wei River to the North and the roar of the Yellow River, South of Qinling Mountains towering. And "extraordinary and dangerous" is famous, Huashan is made up of complete large piece of granite, since ancient times, it was called: "the mountain world is dangerous, strange and dangerous mountain, ancient Huashan road" and many other beautiful metaphor. Huashan, aloes save mother from mountain and other stories and link mountain, which not only inspired me to climb the mountain's power, but also inspire me not afraid of difficulties and fighting spirit. Only there can sense that mother nature and the mountains of talent.

Hiking Tip:

1. bring enough cash (500 or so, depending on whether the accommodation meals and cable cars), Hill must have no charge;

2. do not bring enough water, heavy, tired and under the water may not be at the top of your, you can offer;

3. outwitted Hua Shan Lu Yu Quan hospital entrance, entrance prices expensive, because tours are all made on a cable car from here, many people, good slaughter, not afraid to sell out;

4. drinking water bottles if lazy trash bin, throw road, don't throw out on the cliffs;

5. many people sell food and beverages can recharge on the road, not a place to buy too much;

6. hotel suite bed lowest price of 120 Yuan, Suite 95, except major holidays are not reservations, generally before 7 o'clock to have empty seats. Holidays must be booked 2 weeks in advance. Recommended Live Suite, watching the sunrise or difference 25 bucks;

7. the "Huashan road since ancient times" and "outwitted the Huashan" have different characteristics and irreplaceable, of powerful are coming up, and retrace your steps mean nothing;

8. down under steep places against the first safe, the second major with the power of hands (seize the cable), it's a pair of gloves, very necessary;

9. down gently places her feet sideways, sideways as far as possible, or too hurt joint

10. see older picked along the way, there is a change to, or to buy them a bottle of water, so long in the tooth, who had enough support to do that;

11. do a somersault, sky road, are paying 30 bucks, you can spend money to convince myself "don't go", but if you go to, as far as possible the following people don't so much, who walks slowly, hanging in the air does not come not to very uncomfortable.



Last night, a night train, Saturday at 9 in the morning to reach the Huashan railway station, railway station 3 bus to mountain Visitor Center, after tickets to the free bus to the yuquan hospital, bought two bottles of water after a hearty meal, Huashan mountain since ancient times in the yuquan hospital. Huashan, hero, hero!

Tip: the mountain tickets of "vote" (main peak of Huashan scenic spot, Xian Yu, Yu Quan hospital area, area, West Temple scenic area, four major scenic spots, tickets are valid for 2 days, including attractions, transportation): high season (March 1-end of November) 180 yuan/person; low season (December 1-end of February the following year) 100 yuan/person.

Mainstream quanzhen Taoist yuquan hospital in San Diego, is the main place of Hua Shan Taoist temple, but also visitors from Hua Shan Yu Hua Shan must pass through. Yuquan hospital for boarding and mountain's portal. Zhen Yue Gongyu, legend has it that Princess Jinxian wells draw water from washing, Hosta accidentally fell into the water, but after returning to the yuquan hospital, wash hands with water when you find Hosta, I just know this spring connected with those of Yu Jing, and called this spring for spring. On August 26 2015 Mauritius honeymoon Word travels

May read more novels, associated with the sight of mountain Huashan, now I'm really on the sword can be a bit nervous, ancient Huashan road, that was not called.

After five Longtan, tickets here.

Huashan the first hurdle, one man Fumo opens.

From the yuquan hospital to the devil and gentle way to rise slightly, more beauty to go, probably as boring and super energy consumption, about 40 minutes, right when the warm up!

From "the devil" to start, really just an awkward, no regret medicine to eat, but also suddenly played chicken with the same spirit.

Are difficult roads of Shu and reach for the stars, look, feel and reach for the stars.

In the "Wonderland" playing cards, it would be a bright Oh?? Will be winning not losing????

Maybe it's because the weather is hot spells sharply reduced, have climbed more steep steps, physical feel to bad overdrafts, and that is just the beginning of Ah?

Passing qingyun, a Taoist shrine. By Qing Yun Dong, each up more than a glimmer of despair at a glance, so 90-degree climb cliffs, climb, or go around here???

Under the towering old trees, finally feeling a trace of coolness, hear visitors talking about rest, front, fast feet, building the ... ...

Huashan, began to climb the legendary "thousand foot 㠉", "Hua Shan since ancient times," the first dangerous road, slope on the cliffs of more than more than 70 artificial dug out a Groove, the width of each step is not high one-third foot, raise your eyes looking head, saying nothing, and that "victory over the mountain and have a safe trip" bold dare it!

Feet building was cut a path through the very steep cliffs, hovering above the cliffs. Probably steps over more than 370 bands, each stone step only barely the width of lateral foot, road widths can only accommodate one person. Must hold the cable here, hand and foot, along steep mountain climbs. Thousand-foot building shaped like a crack, the walls upright, cutting as the ladder, rock on either side stand, through wells, looked up at the sky, looking down deep.

In fact, just look at feet building, hearts issued a bad, what can I say I experienced Ah, can not, I do not say, and crawl.

Uplink and downlink, and chains can draw on both sides, but step by step climb is still very cautious, afraid of accidentally feet slipping or step on an empty, looking back it is absolutely frightening, step by step, two legs is called the two shake, a caution is called the hanging.

Beat Huashan, a safe life!!

Above: brothers and sisters to work harder, tert-sad at this Centre for stuck in limbo, the key still basking in the Sun, bronzed white boy how Oh!

Looked up, feet, building more and more narrow, seems to shrink into a cave, building, tourists from climbing out of the hole, as well, so it is called "patios". Sister of above be careful, be sure to HOLD, come on!!

Feet not far from 㠉 is a hundred-foot Gorge, here are climbing a second dangerous pass. Two wall towering between a rock falling from the sky, engraved "heart stone" three characters, visitors from the stone path through the really thrilling. Then there are fairy bridge, Fu wei-ya, Hei Hu ling, a small Insurance Office, climbing the third dangerous pass Laojun furrows, which is sandwiched between the steep walls of a trench-steep trail, unfathomable, stone steps more than 570.

Dude, don't have to be careful, and you scare me too, Oh.

Absolutely loaded Blilty photo, on top of the list of tourists help, hachi hachi and then themselves ran down, devotion to art is not easy Ah! Dude really cooperate, estimated were stunned, how long?

Starting from the yuquan hospital, North Peak 3 hours later, suddenly, that..................

Dude you in this position is not too overwhelmed with emotion?

Think of tomorrow taking Huashan mountain pass North Peak, intends to direct the Black Dragon Ridge, a golden chain closed the way to Hua Feng of Shandong province, is also worried about accommodation issues, I heard later they would have to stay in.

Remember that far when viewed side-peaks, seen from afar is a stone into the Black Dragon Ridge blades, walk in the blade, not scary just strange.

Looking at the Huashan Xifeng, Dong feng.

Young did not see action and vigorous, so dangerous, behind the mother did not worry about baby?

China column in front is Black Dragon Ridge, various tensions.

Black Dragon Ridge is one of the famous mountain steep trail, which is located under Save Tainan, Wu Yun-feng, with its dark black exterior and its suspension named after the Dragon-like terrain. Its like thin blade, vast gullies feet of terrain that scared many tourists, among which the most famous is the story of Han Yu's crying, wrote to ask for help and triggered a large number of relevant stories and research, and the Department was leaving "Han wrote back" of cultural heritage. Ming and Qing dynasties, the Ridge began to build steps, and formally ended, build more than 530 Yuji level, but, in order to prevent clogging and protect visitor safety, Black Dragon Gate Fortress flying complex road Ridge and dug up the mountain.

Legend has it that Han Yu Mountain Range Rover, swam three peaks down to the Black Dragon Ridge Road like thin bladed saw Black Dragon Ridge, great gully feet on both sides, and legs, bogged down, sat on the ridge to cry, write farewell letters to his family for help. Huayin County after hearing they sent Han Yu's lift Hill. Wait, let me think, carried down the Hill, how do this??

Climb the peak, vision suddenly, mountain view clear.

Black Dragon Ridge West of keping Shen Jian, Qing, East of flying fish green Canyon, about hundred meters long, less than three feet wide, bursting charge, visitors walk, xinjing gods, and placed high in the clouds, breathtaking.

Climb over Black Dragon Ridge, Golden close is not as fear, more scenery, standing on a golden chain to turn off look around the peaks, a kind of trumps its bright.

Jinsuoguan is built on a tower-like stone arch of the three peaks, Yunfeng choke points leading to the South peak was five, locking after closure there would be no way to pass. In du Fu's poems of the Wang Yue "arrow of trichosanthes kirilowii Babel one" means here. Taoists believe that shhy fairy God House, only after Babel, only enter the Wonderland. So has "lock off, is another heaven" ballad.

Closed Tower, built in the Tang dynasty, late Ming Shi Hu Zhenhai great alterations and repairs. Kangxi's 18 years of Taoist Yang Yin to repeat. 34 the monk Yuan Gaoshan rebuilt. Taoist Han Fasheng 1955 rebuild. Due to natural and man-made disasters, the original building destroyed waste only remnants. 1985 government restructuring closed shape size of all of the former.

Blessings on the tourists in a locked, then lock in the lock shut.

The elderly more than more than 80, 1000 after carrying two bags of cement from the yuquan hospital here, said that a trip is 80 Yuan, great party, I Ah, when you are free, so how to open it?

Vertical 90 degree climb called a scared, fearing a feet trample empty, at the same time, many people on, make yourself not to dare not afternoon, fear.

Ladders more than more than 10 meters high, perpendicular to the ground at a 90-degree angle, upper protrusion, inverted-Kan ya trend. Cable ladder reset three tourists pull rope climb, bodies are not very close to the cliffs, with rope swing, xinjing God shakes, as clouds driving fog, hence the name ladder

I said the sisters and brothers can quickly point, uncle waited impatiently, difficult, and quickly, followed by a lot of people waiting for?

See how professional? One last look, shoot each other, good love Oh!

Arrived at the suite can be relieved, standing at the peak look down mountain peaks, a sense of conquest, the feeling of accomplishment.

Suite. Dongfeng also known as Sunrise peak. 2090 m above sea level, peak tapering and steep cliffs.

Use vertical 90 degrees has been unable to describe do a somersault, daredevil anyway you go to do a somersault, of course, you could not bear to spend $ 30 can be used to convince yourself not to go, but you can not give up 30 money?

Huashan chess Pavilion, according to legend founded by and named after Chen Chuan and Taoist priest in chess, named after the sport is clean.

Mountain famous for its steep trail, one of the tourists, to flip around the body like a Harrier Eagle in order to pass, and it was this name. Is the only path to blog • chess Pavilion. Butterfly kick is from Dong feng to play chess Pavilion through a cliff steep trail, as one of the mountain known as the steep trail. Its convex on concave-Lu sinking Kan cliff, see under the cold cable down in the air, no path.

Saying if people with poor chess playing chess, also lost, will not bear the direct jump?

Dongfeng start after marching to the southern peak.

To be honest, scared feeling timid will really be alive, however, and really wanted to try the next will not be scared, this is sky plank road.

Sky plank road is Huashan sent subsection generation guru Yuan generation high road He Zhizhen for away from Earth static repair immortality, in climbed Cliff Shang mosaic stone nail take wood Rafter and built, is located in Huashan utmost South peak East South Tianmen outside, by swallows its table Taiwan, and chaoyuandong, stepped on ya gap volley hanging ladder Xia more than 10 more than meters, along attached cliff and take wide not surplus feet of party wood plank road to full really rock Xia, road full length about hundreds of meters.

Way the legend of precipice, your sister, uncle managed to get to here you I I Ah? Terrific Ah?

Can't wait can't wait, first take a picture saying, uncle once rare, always leave a thought.

Forward not, back cannot and dare not look down

The mountain's peak and enjoy the mountain scenery is the best, I was made back in the mountain on the sword back a hero. From South peak looking west peak.

South peak 2154.90 meters above sea level, is the highest mountain peaks and mountains highest peak, the ancients called it was "heads of mountain". Top boarded the South peak, feeling nearly close, stars can be picked. He looked and looked, but see the undulating hills, green beneath, Huang Hewei silky water, misty plain, silk and cotton, panoramic view, people really appreciate the great momentum of mountain high and majestic, enjoy the present day territories, such as the magical appeal of cloud.

Embedded with the Pine Cliffs.

Many legends about the suite, of course I'm more for sunset and, of course, lay at Hua Shan XI Feng waiting for sunset hair dryer mountain peaks bathed in the Sun feeling is also very happy.

Suite is the most beautiful steep mountain peaks. Palace Boulder peak green cloud shaped like a Lotus Flower, also known as Lotus peak. China Shanxi Aloes in the peak of the treasure Lotus light is rescued by a beautiful three Notre Dame place. Now Kingfisher cloud Palace at the edge of a stone cracked in the Middle, such as axe, called "axe stone", set alongside a long axe. Northwest of the peak, and erect like a knife cut, absolutely radiant, known as suicide cliff.

Suite is a complete rock, like nature itself. Cliff cliffs in the Northwest, cutting saw blade-like section, the potential of the steep, towering, masculine, straight is representative of the Huashan mountain.

Boulder split was Lotus Lantern.

Chen was trapped, the mother of the Lotus cave.

Hua Shan XI Summit of the peak, waiting for the sunset.

It was early, lie down and rest, quiet down and felt very comfortable.

Sunset nears, more and more tourists.

Careful, don't fall.

Sweet love

Smecta in love.

Immersed in the joy of sunset

Mountain accommodation:

Climbing Mountain is best for a night, enjoy the Mountain beauty of Xifeng sunset and Sunrise suite. Suite Hotels and Suite Hotels to choose from.

Suite Hotel, bed 120 Yuan per person, call 0913-4360508 and get up in the morning to watch the Sunrise is very convenient, and very close to do a somersault, and sky plank road.

Suite Hotel, 95 beds per person, call 0913-4360508, watching the sunset can be directly to the hotel to rest.

Meanwhile, Hua Shan Wu Feng food more expensive, it is best to bring some food and water.



Shan hua

Dongfeng Hotel gathered outside the many many people who wait for the Sunrise, so was woken very early and not too worried about oversleeping missed the sunrise. Get up at 5 o'clock, up the suite waiting for the sunrise.

Suite Sunrise is definitely clean, blow out, round the Sun appears in the sky, the United States makes people feel happy, if we can transform the clouds more and more beautiful.

Lying on the peak of tourists waiting for the Sunrise, I feel they should be students last night, a night without sleep.

Immersed in the soft light of sunrise.

Loved ones accompany waiting for the Sunrise is a very happy thing.

Mountain Wonderland.

Sunrise friends get se.

Suite looking South peak, as well as Sky plank road.

Tip: If you lived in the mountain the best choose to stay at the suite hotel, Sunrise convenience, of course, even without bed stay out last night to the hotel is not too bad, there are a lot of people, don't have to worry about security issues.

Suite hotel accommodations, but also up early the next morning to the suite to watch the Sunrise, early life, they still choose to live in the suite. From Suite to suite almost half an hour. Of course, the time varies depending on the individual's physical strength.

After eight o'clock began to return from the suite, Middle peak, the old Ridge to the North Peak, and outwitted the Huashan mountain.

Compared to yesterday, up the Hill, down feeling very relaxed today, but Hill felt more wary than Hill.

Said mountain easy to get down, after lock turn off feeling very relaxed, the hardest part is gone, what we fear.

Looking at the mountain peak.

Literally, you can imagine what clean-er-ya is a concept, however, looks he is very steep, but does not think is dangerous.

Side is outward cliffs, one side is a bottomless abyss, visitors away from here, fear of being forced by the mountain cliff, required the body close to the cliff slowly sidled over, roads where life is tight rock rub the ears, so clean-er-ya.

Insurance of Yuan Hong-DAO's poems describe clean-er-ya: "birds are ear walls, Metin green wall. For more dangerous Jing Yi wei, MOSS side I scar. "Described by not only put ya clean ears, even a face stained with MOSS.

Now rub the ears off a cliff road has been trimming width can take two people. But in the most cramped places, can still feel the clean the ear of the year insurance.

Starting from the suite, almost an hour later, it reached the mountain peak.

At the North Peak of Huashan, can boast of four other peaks, especially when there's fog, Huashan is like fairyland.

Board head peak and enjoy nature at the same time, feel the Zhenwu Hall, Jiao Gong Shi Changchun stone room, rooms, erotic window and other ancient scholars left the bright civilization, listen to beautiful myths and legends circulating in past dynasties.

North Peak, also known as cloud peak is high as the hub of four other peaks higher than several other peaks, but the mountain is very steep, are cliffs on three sides, and there is a mountain to the South, the situation is very dangerous, is easily defensible. "Outsmart the Huashan" story took place here.

Cliff Temple.

Look to the mountain on the peaks of North Peak.

After a quarter of an hour spent on North Peak began to retreat down the Hill. Climbing does not like to go back, since ancient times the mountain Huashan, down outwitted Hua Shan Lu, feel like mountain scenery. But to tell the truth, climb on the climbing past, outwitted the more scary Huashan road.

Tip: Hua Shan peak lift tickets, only 80 Yuan, forget to return 150 Yuan.

Huashan is made up of complete large piece of granite, its historical evolution can be traced back to 120 million years ago, according to the shanhaijing records: "the taihua mountains, cutting into the Quartet, its 5,000-foot, its wide ten-mile. "Huashan insurance ranks first in the mountains, there are" Huashan road since ancient times "was, until the last century 90 's Koho Yu" outwitted the Huashan "after dug, Huashan is the second mountain road. "Outsmart Huashan", full length of 2 km, a total of 3,999 steps, reaching to the North Peak. Outsmart Huashan road built over "Huashan road since ancient times," history has become a place for patriotic education and importance of Red tourism attractions.

Huashan mountain on the map taking Huashan road, only a small section is very short, and ancient Huashan road is a long, long period, why don't know, same altitude drop, outwitted Hua Shan steeper acute?

Near-vertical 90 stone road

It's a very scary, actually felt good on down is really scared.

Absolute uses both hands and feet special care.

When the girl climbed down crying, scared face is white crepe.

Then, cable car from peak to bottom is only 8 minutes walk down to 1.5 hours. Almost 12 o'clock noon down to Miao GOU, Huashan tour is now over, go go power take good have a good fix, there is a day without eating meat, thin like Oh.

Tip: Miao Gou scenic shuttle return to mountain Visitor Center, rolling start, ticket is 20 Yuan. But many visitors choose to walk, has a personal preference.

Shan hua


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