Thursday, October 15, 2015

TAPTAP smart bracelet couple flirts with a touch

Recently a strange but interesting creative projects creative programmes to raise landing platform-Kickstarter, this project is called "TAPTAP smart bracelets". TAPTAP smart bracelet project is to develop a smart bracelet, and this bracelet can be linked to other smartphones in the distance rings, leaving the other half thick love reflected from the smart bracelet. The project's developers say they strive for couples to create a universe that only they can access the secrets of space. DKNY iPhone 6 Case

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TAPTAP smart bracelet made up of plastic module and silicone bracelet strap, and a mini USB interface. TAPTAP smart bracelet now teams have completed the design, PCB, and prototype the wearer just touch a TAPTAP smart bracelet, will send out vibrations in the distance, allow the wearer to feel the love from distant partners. DKNY iPhone 6 Case

This TAPTAP smart bracelet via Bluetooth 2.1 or 4.0 to connect to the Smartphone, currently the device is compatible with the iPhone 4S as well as iPhone 5; in addition, Smartphone via Bluetooth with Android 2.1 system you are connecting to. Can be said to fit a very wide range.

TAPTAP Smart 1.9x0.7x0.5-inch bracelet looks, weight of 1 ounce (about 28.4 grams). Battery life of 7 days, re-energising the batteries takes 80 minutes. When the wearer in a break or when the public does not want to be disturbed, you can choose to turn off a switch.

TAPTAP smart bracelet project on Kickstarter platform now online for 36 days, raising more than $ 11000 (about 67000 Yuan), with $ 130000 (about 800000 million) fundraising goal, and a big distance. Current project developers for early supporters provide us $ 60 (about 370 Yuan)

Now supporters can for $ 90 ($ 550 million) purchase price. If this is you, you like to wear a TAPTAP flirting smart bracelet?

Source: Tencent

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