Friday, October 9, 2015

Former Apple CEO jobs to revolt I kill him

Although jobs has died for many years, but it is hard to deny, we will often refer to him. Apple is launching Apple Watch, or whether the iPhone iPhone 5, now 6, people will ask: if it is old, what's he gonna do?

Seems to be successor, Cook, Steve jobs is a formidable peak, is the spiritual leader. What's more, Mr jobs had been fired from Apple, cannot afford to let time help return only after the company is back on, it adds a dramatic color.

Dog blood is that the same person baiyexiaohe, and jobs led to the dispute of the protagonist is none other than himself personally hired John Sculley.

About John Sculley, he does not seem to be what makes people at Apple handy case. However, there is a saying you must be familiar, Steve Jobs stated in the invitation when he was President of Pepsi-Cola Company Sculley says:

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Don't know if it's because of this word, Sculley to Apple. In 1983, Scully's salary up to $ 2.2 million. And he is not responsible for any product line work, but try to have developed over 6 years of Apple II computers to get more money.

When Steve Jobs wants to cut price and advertising budget for the Macintosh to Mac when both of them started with friction. "Only cash income from Apple II, we can't do that. "Scully is said to Steve jobs, however the latter alone.

In May 1985, he led the overthrow Sculley "insurgency", and when you want to let any of Apple's European Operations Director Jean-Louis Gass é e instead. But Gass e e to Sculley told the secret, leading Scully had to take action in advance, forcing the election between the two men running the company, the Board is the best man.

Later stories, we all know that. Apple Board of Directors supported Sculley's proposal to restructure the company, Steve Jobs Mac Department expelled and replaced him by the Gass é e. Jobs ' 2005 Stanford commencement memories on this matter also said it was a "devastating blow". Can be seen at the how jobs could not let go. Later, jobs in 1997 and returned to Apple, and make Apple one of today's great technology companies.

Steve jobs after his death, Scully and Steve Wozniak and playwright yalun·suojin (Aaron Sorkin), Director Danni·boyi ear (Danny Boyle) has cooperated, the film biography of Steve jobs will release in October.

First movie was released in 1999 on the jobs of the Silicon Valley legend (Pirates of Silicon Valley, also translated as the Pirates of Silicon Valley), Wozniak had praised it in his eyes, "jobs, the best movies." Released in 2013 of the jobs, Sculley is not seen.

"When the new film after the release, I think Apple will have a better understanding of the situation at the beginning of the creation. 2013 has a film about Steve jobs, but it's quite nasty. "

When Scully brought Steve, acknowledged he was one of the greatest CEO. Even after the storm, they are no longer spoken, but sikaliyiran said he is "very smart" and "very talented" people at the same time, he also thought people exaggerated the brutal side of his character, "he is a very gentlemanly man, there is a very good value. "。

Qiao Bang had walked for four years, and his life was written by people, made into a film, even adapted into plays. Is life, true, many things have to pay jokes.

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