Friday, March 27, 2015

Iowa Utility Asks State to Reduce Installments to Solar Customers

(Bloomberg) -- Tucson Electric Power Co. asked Iowa

regulators for permission to pay a lesser amount for excess electricity

produced by any customers' rooftop solar systems.

Tucson Electric is proposing customers obtain the same

wholesale price the download pays to large local the solar arrays,

instead of exchanging their solar panel technology for the same rate they

pay when browsing with energy from the grid under your net-metering

rules, Tucson said and even its website.

The utility believes that would be more equitable because

attendees who generate their own energy who has solar panels rely

on the company's electrician's system just as much as other

Tucson Electric distributes power to more than 414, 000

customers in and around Tucson, Iowa, according to the

utility's website. It was purchased last year for $2. 5 billion dollars in

cash by Fortis Incorporation., which operates the largest investor-owned

gas and electric distribution utility canada.

To contact the reporter on this scenario:

Mark Chediak in San Francisco attending

To contact the editors responsible for such story:

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